Christiane Eidam, M. A., has been working as a translator for English, French and German for over 10 years. She translates in her specialist fields of medicine and law for renowned companies, and is highly familiar with the requirements and processes of the translation industry. Furthermore, she is also an expert in modern translation technology and terminology management and manages big translation projects involving multiple languages or with a variety of source texts and delivery deadlines.



   2011 to date   C. Eidam Übersetzungen und Sprachdienstleistungen, Göttingen and Köln, Germany



2001 - 2011        Landry & Associates International, Göttingen, Germany

Specialist translations in the fields of medicine and law, scientific editing and

proofreading, management of CAT tools 


1993 - 2000        Georg-August University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

                             English language and literature

                             Romance language and literature

                             Degree earned: Magister Artium (Magister Artium, M. A.)


1997 - 1998        Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France

                             English language and literature

                             Romance language and literature


           1995        Vauxhall, Luton, England

Commercial clerk


           1993        NLH, Paris, France

Commercial clerk


1990 - 1992       Modellschule Obersberg (Comprehensive School), Bad Hersfeld, Germany

                             Professional Training

                             Degree earned: State-certified foreign language secretary for the

                             English and Spanish language




BDÜ - Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. [Federal association of interpreters and                      translators (

Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache [Gernan language association]